August 15th, 2019 Meeting

If you are not already a CCCA member, but live within the Clarendon Courthouse Civic Association boundaries and are interested in joining, please contact us.

CCCA Meeting August 2019

Parks and Recreation: 

  • Background NCAC. Grant money available.
  • Want more trash and recycling (can we dream bigger?!) budget- 383k
  • Final vote November
  • Goals
    • Replace pathways
    • Aeration
    • Corner sidewalk connection
    • Signage
    • Trash recycle
  • Passionate discussion on merit of bike racks
  • Speaker shared memory of oak tree and making it a totem when it died
  • Next steps
    • Go for funding from NCAC, could be approved by February, construction could happen as soon as next fall
  • Neighborhood announcements
    • Clarendon days- call to action
    • Census
    • Parking lot being paved
    • Wilson Blvd closed 9:00PM-5:00AM
  • Action items- good to go
  • Childcare- approved
  • Trailer/off-street parking for Odyssey
  • Outdoor seating
  • East west café- 3101 Wilson
  • Adios